What's Your Name and the title or titles of your books?
Hi Tess, Thanks so much for having me here!
I'm Jodie B. Cooper. I currently have three books published. Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire: Sídhí Summer Camp #1, Beloved LifeMate: Song of the Sídhí #1, and A Dragon's Dream of Love: Song of the Sídhí #2
What genre do you normally write in?
YA paranormal romance.
Could you tell us just a little about yourself?
When I was in my teens, I wrote a few short stories. After I graduated from HS, I gave up my writing to 'do the right thing' and make a living. Big mistake! I spent years (many years! LOL) with stories bouncing around in my head begging me to write them down. After getting my degree in accounting and working as a tax preparer for several years I decided it was time to give up the icky in life and enjoy it. I now write about shapeshifters, dragons, vampires, elves, fairies... fun stuff!
Will you give us a brief overview of your latest, or if you prefer, your favorite book?
Ah, my latest project... that's a rather difficult question. I always work on several items at once. Keeps my brain from bursting when ideas clash and demand my attention. Book #2 in the Sídhí Summer Camp series is at 36,000 words. A little over halfway finished. Book #3 in Song of the Sídhí series is a novelette and finished at 17,000 works, but needs editing. (It started out as a 7,000 word short story. LOL) Third, I'm now reporting Sídhí news clips.
Where are your books available?
Readers can find links at my website or at most on-line retailers, such as: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, OmniLit, Smashwords, & Goodreads
Are you working on anything new at the moment?
Yes! I am reporting Sídhí news clips on my blog, Sídhí World News. I love reporting Sídhí news and events. You never know when a werewolf is going to escape from the zoo or when a vampire submits to blood lust or the latest theft of basilisk eggs... the list of hot news clips is endless.
What one statement would you like to make that you think our audience and your readers might benefit from?
What's done is done and you can't undo it. ~ Therefore, think before you speak or write!
How can someone follow you if they want to stay abreast of what you are doing?
Thank you so much for asking! I love meeting new people.
Sídhí World News Blog: http://sidhinews.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ JodieBCooper
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/ JodieBCooper
Website: http://www.jodiebcooper.com/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/ jodiebcooper